Another question recently asked of LFX members (many of whom operate/manage multiple sites) explored the reasons that people chose to join a particular gym/club.
The responses provide clues as to how you can make your club successful and attractive to your target market.

As the information above demonstrates the majority of consumers prefer convenience. So although a gym might have an impressive range of services, facilities and equipment if it isn't convenient it is unlikely to draw in people from afar.
Convenience is also a major reason for people buying cars online, yes they may not be able to test drive the vehicle but it removes a lot of barriers, including 'pushy' sales people!
As we move down the infographic It could be argued that the term 'value' means different things to different people but if we stick to the phrase 'this is really good value' we must dig deeper to find out what existing or potential members consider important in their personal 'value mix'.
Let's not forget the power of word of mouth in attracting new members too.
According to Nielsen, in its global Trust in Advertising Study in 2021, which surveyed 40,000 across 56 countries, 88% of consumers said that they trusted recommendations from people they know, above all other forms of marketing messaging.
Are you tapping into that?
Last but not least, are your staff worth the extra £ in membership fees?
More and more consumers know that they can join a 24 hour gym and enjoy as much or as little interaction with staff as they like. So if you claim that your USP is 'our friendly, approachable team' then they must ALL live up to that reputation. It's up to you to ensure they do.
At our Understanding Consumers event on July 6th we will be talking to Dr Chris Loxley about delighting customers.
'The emotion of 'delight' indicates a customer's expectations are exceeded leading to an appreciation of the brand and its service. There are numerous psychological studies measuring various level of customer expectation against satisfaction'.